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ASP.NET Identity in Action: Implementing Individual Accounts
Course Introduction
Welcome (0:51)
Intended Audience (0:53)
Prerequisites (1:18)
What You Will Learn (1:14)
Working with Written Materials and Video
Identity in ASP.NET - Razor Apps
Key Features of Identity in ASP.NET Core (6:46)
What's Included in Individual Accounts Authentication (10:59)
ASP.NET Identity Key Coding Details (8:05)
Code-Alongs with a New Razor Web App
Razor Code-Along: Individual Accounts Support in a New ASP.NET Razor Web App Project
Razor Code-Along: Scaffolding Identity and IdentityOptions in ASP.NET Razor
Razor Code-Along: Two-Factor Authentication
Razor Code-Along: SSO using OAuth with GitHub
Razor Code-Along: Using Policies to Lock Down Pages
Code-Alongs with eShopOnWeb
Introducing eShopOnWeb (6:42)
eShopOnWeb Code-Along: Adding SSO using OAuth with GitHub
eShopOnWeb Code-Along: Applying Roles
eShopOnWeb Code-Along: Adding Role Management - API and Tests
eShopOnWeb Code-Along: Adding Role Management - Blazor Admin
eShopOnWeb Code-Along: Adding Role Membership - API and Tests
eShopOnWeb Code-Along: Adding Role Membership - Blazor Admin
eShopOnWeb Code-Along: Adding User Management - API and Tests - User GET Endpoints
eShopOnWeb Code-Along: Adding User Management - API and Tests - User Membership Endpoints
eShopOnWeb Code-Along: Adding User Management - API and Tests - Create, Update, and Delete User Endpoints
eShopOnWeb Code-Along: Adding User Management - Blazor Admin
Things to Consider for Production Deployments (4:41)
Summary (1:58)
Key Features of Identity in ASP.NET Core
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